Achdus Bulletin Advertising

Achdus Bulletin

If you need to get the word out, there’s no better way than to advertise with the bulletin email everyone in the community checks each Friday.

These categories are posted free of charge, for 2 weeks.
There is a 70 word limit per posting.
They include: Job Connections, Yad L’Yad Freebay, Yad L’Yad Services, Hashovas Aveida, Refuah Shelaima and all Mazel Tov sections.

Full Page Ad: Size: 8 ½ x 11.
Fee: $100 per ad or $300 for 4 ads (paid in advance).
Small Text Ad: Size: Business card size or 100 words.
Fee: $25 per ad or $75 for 4 ads (paid in advance).

Please note:

  • Payment must be arranged before ads are placed.

  • Ads may include a picture or logo, but not any pictures or illustrations of women over the age of three. Ads with graphics must be submitted as a pdf or jpeg.

  • Deadline for all ads: Wednesday, 5 pm, for relevant week.

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Donation summary (for main donate page

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