About Us

Our Story

The Chicago Center

For the last 100 years, the Eichenstein-Zidichov rabbinic family has been a leadership presence in our community. Under their warm and caring direction, The Chicago Center was founded to build Jewish Chicago’s services, and has since grown and developed in response to our community’s needs. With its various Torah, Chessed and Refuah programs, The Chicago Center continues to enrich Jewish life and unite the full spectrum of the community.

Around The Chicago Center

HaRav Yehoshua Heschel
Eichenstein zt”l
Harav Avraham
Eichenstein zt"l
The Rebbe
Harav Yehoshua Heschel Eichenstein zt"l
Harav Pinchus
Eichenstein shlit"a
Harav Zalman Leib
Eichenstein shlit"a

Our Mission

The Chicago Center

In times of crisis, in times of joy, The Chicago Center strives to be there for every Jew, every day of their life. We combine the strengths of various community resources to provide a wide range of necessary services. This comprehensive focus on all ages and stages of the Jewish lifecycle has made The Chicago Center the one-stop address for Torah and chesed in our community.