Answering with Food

Home cooked meals & hospitality for families or guests fielding medical or financial challenges.

The Chicago Kitchen

Need a home cooked meal?

The Chicago Center Kitchen works throughout the week to cook up warm and delicious dinners and Shabbos meal packages for families and individuals who are in need in many ways. From families who are postpartum, post-hospitalization, in the process of moving, sitting shiva, isolating due to COVID-19, in a financially difficult situation, or any extenuating circumstance. The meals are delivered by volunteers and can be tailored to various diets, including gluten and dairy-free, and Bais Yosef.

Have you or someone you know recently given birth? Contact The Chicago Center! We’ll send two weeks of delicious dinners so you can focus on baby, not baking.

If you or someone you know is sitting shiva, please contact The Chicago Center. We’ll send a week of meals to help lighten the burden during this difficult time.

Are you or someone you know moving into a new place? While the kitchen is being unpacked, we will send warm meals to make the transition smoother.

If you or someone you know is returning from a hospital stay, we want to help out! Contact The Chicago Center for meals during the recovery.

Have you or someone you know been diagnosed with COVID-19? Contact The Chicago Center, and we’ll provide contactless meal delivery during isolation.

A Glimpse into
The Chicago Kitchen

Say Yes to the Chicago Kitchen

Home-cooked meals, made with love by people who care.

Partner with The Chicago Kitchen

Whatever the needs is, we’re here to ease the load. Delicious food, delivered with heart. Straight to your home or hospital.

Donate Today!
There are many ways to support our meal program. Donations help fund our materials, ingredients, and transportation costs.

Our volunteers fill many roles, from helping to cook and package meals to making dozens of deliveries every week. Our volunteers help make everything our Kitchen provides possible.

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Request a Meal

From The Chicago Kitchen

The Chicago Kitchen provides home-cooked meals prepared with love by people who care. Whatever the needs is, we’re here to ease the load. Delicious food, delivered with heart. Straight to your home or hospital.

Say Yes to

Chicago Kitchen

Let us know if you're interested in volunteering and we'll get back to you to begin!

What would you like to volunteer for?
Which days are you available?