Calling Tree

Share the joy of your Simcha with ease!
Our user-friendly calling tree makes it simple to spread the word about your special Simcha – whether it’s a Bar/Bas Mitzvah, L’chaim, Vort, Chassuna, or more. With our comprehensive list of Chicago contacts at your fingertips, you can ensure that everyone in your life is informed and invited to celebrate with you.
To start the process, please use your log-in credentials below or if you are a new user please reach out to to receive an access code.
Mazel tov!
last name id number
Don't Have a Login Code? Fill in the Form Below.

Important Information:

  • Please call The Chicago Center at 773-761-4005 or email to schedule your email or phone call.
  • Your calling post message can be arranged during the office hours of
    • Monday-Thursday: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
    • Friday: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
    • Please note: we cannot guarantee your calling post will be sent on Motzei Shabbos if the recording is submitted on Friday.
  • This site may only be accessed for Simchas.
  • After completing your selection, record your message on a recording device and email it to
  • Any names you select will be saved as a reference list for your next calling tree.
  • Continue to the next page and select those names you want contacted.  We suggest saving your list after each letter of the alphabet. Names are not automatically saved.

Pricing Information

Phone Call:  $36 for the first 150 names called

each additional name to be called will be $.16 each

Email: $36 for email invitation

Excel List: $72.

Have an Excel list of names and addresses emailed to you for your Simcha (will NOT include phone numbers and email addresses)

We ask that you respect the privacy of our community. This list is for PERSONAL USE ONLY, for your Simcha, and may not be shared.

Prices will be automatically compiled based on the names you select and will be reflected at the time of payment.

Calling Tree List


contacts selected

jump to: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Choose Names From the Acheinu



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Thank you for your Donation

Thank you for your submission

Here goes a pretty thank you message

Donation summary (for main donate page

payment Line (paid or payment plan)



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